Unlit material without Tonemapper

Cheers, loves!

First of all I have to say that I am an absolute noob with Unreal 4.15 since I started using this software a few weeks ago.
I also have to apologise for my bad english, I’m currently studying it and I am not event fluent. Hope you’ll understand! :slight_smile:

The problem: I wanted to create a SkySphere and put it a pure green material (R: 0, G: 1, B: 0) to create a kind of chroma background to delete it later in After Effects. I had trouble with the color because it looked diferent in the material, and I assigned a pure green color.

I am using an Unlit material.

I don’t know what I am doing wrong.
I also noticed that if I disable the Tonemapper option in Show → PostProcessing → Tonemapper, the material looks as I wanted.

I really would appreciate some answers to this trouble, this is driving me crazy.

Thanks! :slight_smile:

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