No or bad internet connection causes long Rocket boot times

I’ve been having some trouble with my internet, package loss and disconnects, and this has made loading Rocket slow. Normally I can boot up Rocket in 1 to 2 seconds, now however it is taking ages. I presume because it is trying to connect to the internet, and keeps trying for a long time. 87 seconds says the log. Reproduced several times in a row.

Using the latest beta.

Besides people with bad internet, this may be a particular problem on laptops and people on the go as those computers probably have to deal with no or sporadic internet access.

LogInit: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Initial startup: 87.28s <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
LogCollectionManager: Loaded 3 collections in 0.000377 seconds
LogSourceControl:Warning: Source Control disabled in EditorUserSettings.ini.  [SourceControl] has Disabled=True
LogCrashTracker: Crashtracker disabled due to settings.
LogContentBrowser:Verbose: The content browser source was changed by the sources view to '/Game/Developers/Hourences'
LogUnrealEd: UnrealEditor: Full startup took 86.63 seconds
LogHttp: Closing internet connection
LogHttp: Initializing WinInet connection
LogHttp: Connected State: Good. Flags: (LAN RAS Installed )
LogHttp:Warning: InternetCheckConnection failed for ErrorCode: 00002EE7. Desc: The server name or address could not be resolved
LogHttp:Warning: ProcessRequest failed. Could not initialize Internet connection.
LogHttp: Closing internet connection
LogHttp: Initializing WinInet connection
LogHttp: Connected State: Good. Flags: (LAN RAS Installed )
LogHttp:Warning: InternetCheckConnection failed for ErrorCode: 00002EE7. Desc: The server name or address could not be resolved
LogHttp:Warning: ProcessRequest failed. Could not initialize Internet connection.
LogAssetRegistry: Asset discovery search completed in 29.764792 seconds

I experienced the same thing the other day, I was connected to my Internet Box but I didn’t have Internet (so just a local network). The boot time was very long, Rocket was trying to reach the google website too.

If I manually disable my wireless network, the boot time is okay. So maybe it’s dependent to a specific case/context ?

Build info :

  • Version : 1711197
  • Install path : C:\UDK\Rocket

Specs :

  • OS : Windows 7 x64
  • RAM : 16 GB
  • Graphic Card : GTX 660 (drivers 320.49)

Hi Sjoerd,

This does not appear to be such a simple issue. When I open Rocket with no internet connection at all it loads quickly, as seen in my own Output Log:

LogAssetRegistry: FAssetRegistry took 0.009432 seconds to start up
LogInit: Client initialized
LogInit: Editor engine initialized
LogInit: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Initial startup: 2.22s <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
LogCollectionManager: Loaded 1 collections in 0.001760 seconds
LogSourceControl:Warning: Source Control disabled in EditorUserSettings.ini.  [SourceControl] has Disabled=True
Cmd: MAP LOAD FILE="../../../Engine/Content/Maps/Templates/Template_Default" TEMPLATE=0 SHOWPROGRESS=1
LogParticles: Destroying 0 GPU particle simulations for FXSystem 0x000000000DF623E0
LogEditorServer: Finished looking for orphan Actors (0.000 secs)
LogFileHelpers: Loading map 'Template_Default' took 0.165
LogContentBrowser:Verbose: The content browser source was changed by the sources view to '/Game'
LogCrashTracker: Crashtracker disabled due to settings.
LogUnrealEd: UnrealEditor: Full startup took 1.41 seconds
LogHttp: Closing internet connection
LogHttp: Initializing WinInet connection
LogHttp: Connected State: Bad. Flags: (RAS Installed )
LogHttp:Warning: InternetCheckConnection failed for ErrorCode: 00002EE7. Desc: The server name or address could not be resolved. 
LogHttp:Warning: ProcessRequest failed. Could not initialize Internet connection.
LogHttp: Closing internet connection
LogHttp: Initializing WinInet connection
LogHttp: Connected State: Bad. Flags: (RAS Installed )
LogHttp:Warning: InternetCheckConnection failed for ErrorCode: 00002EE7. Desc: The server name or address could not be resolved
LogHttp:Warning: ProcessRequest failed. Could not initialize Internet connection.
LogAssetRegistry: Asset discovery search completed in 1.017196 seconds
LogHttp: Closing internet connection
LogHttp: Initializing WinInet connection
LogHttp: Connected State: Bad. Flags: (RAS Installed )
LogHttp:Warning: InternetCheckConnection failed for ErrorCode: 00002EE7. Desc: The server name or address could not be resolved. 
LogHttp:Warning: ProcessRequest failed. Could not initialize Internet connection.
LogHttp: Closing internet connection
LogHttp: Initializing WinInet connection
LogHttp: Connected State: Bad. Flags: (RAS Installed )
LogHttp:Warning: InternetCheckConnection failed for ErrorCode: 00002EE7. Desc: The server name or address could not be resolved. 
LogHttp:Warning: ProcessRequest failed. Could not initialize Internet connection.

A few simple questions:

  1. Does the editor always load slowly for you when you have no internet connection?
  2. If not, do you see a correlation with opening particular project types?
  3. Does the editor always load quickly when you have a stable internet connection?
  4. Can you please provide the system specs for the machine that you are using?



  1. Just unplugged internet, and yes editor still loads fast.

  2. I am using only one project, so it is always the same one I open. My project normally always opens fast, see answer 3.

  3. Yes absolutely, 1 to 2 seconds to open the editor for this particular project.

  4. Windows 7 Professional English, i7-3770K, 32GB RAM, GTX670 4GB driver 306.23 , UAC off

One thing is that when this happens, and this has happened on 3 occasions/days so far, I still have some form of access to the internet. I am not completely disconnected, and remain online on chat for example, but become unable to access most websites.
I have no idea how this is set up but one idea I have on this is that the editor/PC is still under the impression that I have internet access, given some parts of it still work fine, and therefore keeps trying to reach something online. Stalling the editor boot.
When I experience internet problems like today, a lot of websites will load for quite a while, only to then error out. So it is not an instant erroring out. I think that is what is getting to the editor boot also? It keeps waiting for a pending reply?

I have “LogHttp: Connected State: Good. Flags: (LAN RAS Installed )” in my log by the way, which is different from the “bad” it prints when you unplug the internet cable.

PC is connected to the internet via a standard consumer router. Using a cable, though the router is also wireless. Internet itself is fiber.

Thank you for all of the information. We have been trying to track down this issue, and your information has been reported and may prove useful. If you happen upon any definite repro steps, please don’t hesitate to let us know.

You can try free internet trial by , Check them and thank me later