Black Screen on Gear VR Build

I made a brand new first person project and i am trying to get it to work on Gear Vr. I download nvidia codeworks and have the sdk, ndk, etc. all setup, The APK Packaging and GooglePlay Services tabs both Say that platform files are Writable, I checked the box that says “Configure Android Manifest for Gear VR”. In the Plugins Menu I enabled the Gear VR Plugin and Oculus Library Plugin, and disabled the Oculus Rift and Steam VR plugins. I have the osig file in the assets folder for unreal on my computer, and i also have it on the root of my phone. My phone is in development mode, and the Gear VR service in development mode, After i package the project for ETC2, run the bat file and install it, if i try to run it on my phone, the screen goes black for 5 seconds then just goes back to the homescreen (Im assuming this means it crashed?). As far as i know, Ive followed every step correctly to get this working. Does anybody know why this isnt working?

I also had this.
This may sound silly, but be sure to have set the default map in project settings …

This is what it was for me, too.
Following the Gear VR setup tutorial, I changed one step - went with a blank project instead of the FPS one due to the project type I want to make.
The default level for the editor was my test scene, but the default level when built wasn’t defined, so it was “Bridge” or something, which was a plain black screen with the touch input joystick indicators on it.
Setting the default scene to my test level, loaded as expected no issues. Thanks!