How to export from Blender 2D image with animation?

Hello, I am made my object in Blender and generate it also as image for HUD, but how can I generate it as animation image? (maybe gif?). I created also animation to my object, but I don´t know, how generate it via 2D object with animation (without animation I am used …F12, F3…)

Nobody know?

Really nobody?

Really nobody? :smiley:

You will need to render out the individual frames. What version of Blender do you use?
In 2.78 you do this with the below buttons:

Also set your resolution and output location. You will want to have a low amount of frames too.

  • In Unreal you can either import all the frames and create a flipbook, or create a spritesheet in an external program such as TexturePacker.
  • Make sure your frames are named/numbered properly like, FileName_1, FileName_2, etc.
  • Import all the frames into Unreal, select them all and right click, Sprite Actions > Create Sprite
  • Select all the created Sprites, right click, Create Flipbook
  • You now have a Paper2D animation.

There’s also a Flipbook node in the material editor, if you don’t want to use Paper2D, if you use that, you will need to make a spritesheet of all your frames either using TexturePacker, or just in photoshop.There’s a lot of scripts to do that though, [like this one][2].