Mouse aiming momentum

hey people.

this should be really simple but i cant find an exact answer anywhere

i want to add just a hint of momentum to my fps mouse movement. ive added a spring arm which delays the weapon following the camera but the crosshair is tight at a drum to the mouse movement and needs softening a bit.

unless im being an idiot and the answer is a second spring arm on the camera itself and not mesh2p

Don’t use a sprint arm, use interp to instead.
Try this:

we’re half way there. i followed the tutorial and it works fine for his 2d game example but it locks the up down axis of the camera. probably to do with the fact that hes spawning a new camera whereas the controls are still attached to the old one.
ive tried setting use pawn rotation control but no luck.

There is no need to create another camera, just the the camera component on the up left corner of the player blueprint and use that instead.
You should be getting the current Camera rotation and using a interpto with the camera rotation you want, get delta time in seconds and play with the speed.

Hope im clear enough, i don`t really have access to my PC right now, have a good day :slight_smile: