Multiple Pop up text HUDs

Hi, I am trying to make a level for a warehouse where as you move to various points information text pops up on screen. I can get it to work for one pieve of text but I can not connect the draw hud node to multiple events. Is there any way round this at all?

You could use a sequence node for this. Although, I’d probably recommend you look into UMG as well.

Or, have one Draw text event, and just change the text that it is drawing my making a text variable and plugging it into the Text input. have your events set this text by setting a text input on those events. So, one bool you set in your HUD that controls whether text should be drawn, and another Text variable which you set in your HUD to change what text is being drawn.

The sequence node seems to be working just fine thank you.

I think I will eventually have to look into the UMG though.
