[BUG] Particles Delay First Loop Only works incorrectly

Hello, I have mesh particle, spawn rate = 0 burst = 1, lifetime = 0.

In picture Emitter Duration = 1 and Delay = 1 with Delay First Loop Only set. However you can see at 5.72 seconds past creation it still loops with delay at 1.72 second, which isnt supposed to be more than 1 second (emitter duration)

Hi Xukapy,

I didn’t see any issue with the delay first loop only feature. I’m also unsure how you are testing this with your emitter loops set to 1. When the emitter is set to either infinite loops (value of 0) or a set number of loops only the first iteration will be delayed as expected.

Now it could be that I am misunderstanding you, are you saying that the very first particle you see is at 5.72 because with a burst time of 0 you should be seeing the particle at 1 second (delay amount). I wasn’t sure what parameter you were referring to when you said burst = 1 so I just assumed you meant burst count. A burst time that is >= 1 should result in no particle being visible.

Would you mind clearing that up for me?



You seemd to miss lifetime = 0 and yes burst count = 1

So I want my emitter to spawn with 1 second delay and live forever repeating my subuv animation in material with help of dynamic parameter (since subuv doesnt work with meshes) which Use Emitter Time.

And there things got really confused for me is how emitter duration of 1 second which works fine becomes 2 second with emitter delay of 1 second.

So I assume emitter delay is for delay between emitter loops when it > 1 BUT I have only one loop and I dont undesrtnad why it affects emitter duration.

Hi Xukapy,

Sorry for the delay, for some reason this post stopped appearing in my queue.

Anyway, I understand the issue you are running into and I think the reason it is applying delay time after the first iteration of “Emitter Duration” is because you never left the first loop. Since you are still on loop 1 the delay is applied and that makes the “Delay First Loop Only” kind of useless in this specific case.

I’m not sure if this is just a limitation to the design or would be considered a bug. My guess is this is just a design limitation. I know it won’t be addressed due to the work being done on our new particle system creator (Niagara).

As a workaround instead of using the dynamic parameter node to drive the SubUV animation in your material (I am assuming you are using the flipbook node) you can use the time node and plug it into animation phase. That should allow the animation to play properly without using a dynamic parameter.

Let me know if that helps!
