Can I delete an actor if I know its exact location?

With blueprints, I have some simple random generation going.
I would like to do a couple of passes with this generation to create patterns within the generation.

First pass > generate
Second pass> create pattern and delete overlapping tiles.

all tiles are on a 100x grid. So i can know for a fact that an actor exists at 300x500.

TL;DR: How do i target an actor by coordinates?

If you’re using a grid structure you could simply store a pointer to each object you spawn in a 2D array that mirrors your grid. When you go to spawn, check the array and see if you’ve already spawned something there.

How do i create one of these grid structures?

Might not work for you in your case, but you could store in an array all the locations where you have spawned tiles, and if it tries to spawn one in a location that has already been used, either try a new location, or skip that generation. Below I was looping again if it found the location. (Obviously, if you spawn too many in a small space that could cause an infinite loop and crash your game).

edit: actually, if you do need the function of being able to find an actor by location, then do the above but also, make a Map variable, of Vectors to whatever class your tiles are. Mine were BP_Cube, so it would look like:

Then if you need to find one of the actors by location, just use the Find node on your map variable, and input a vector.