Cinematic Viewport Doesn't Use Cameras From the Level Sequence

Using the 3rd person blueprint template, I created a level sequence to get more familiar with the system. I used cameras and the 3rd person mesh. I set up my viewports using the published guidelines on setting up the Cinematic Viewports to preview the sequence. It worked great.

When I loaded up the project a second time, I opened the level sequence and the cinematic viewport won’t show the cameras from the level sequence. It shows the perspective camera, despite having the Cinematic Viewport option checked.

You can see a video of the issue here

And the files for the empty project (except for the sequence) is here

I appreciate the help!

I’m so dumb. You need to click the “Lock Viewport to Camera Cuts” button on the Level Sequence. I believe it’s initially clicked when you create a new sequence, but not when you open one.

However, it does not specify that it needs to be clicked on the documentation page.

You may want to add that tidbit since it won’t work at all without that :-\

Where abouts is the button? I must be blind. Thanks

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thank you for this! I am trying to learn sequencer and this caused me a lot of frustration not being able to figure out why my camera animations were not previewed in the cinematic viewport.