How to set widget owner in a multiplayer game?

Hello everybody,

I making a multiplayer VR game in which players have a “tablet” and in that tablet I want to have a menu for players to interact with. I added a widget component to the player and attached it to one of the controllers. I then from VRPlayerController call a custom event “GetPlayerController” and spawn the widget “usermenu” and add it to that widget component. Everything is fine and it appears in the game and I can hover on it, but I can’t press buttons. If you’re playing alone it’s fine, works as expected, but if 2 players are playing it doesn’t fire the “onclicked” event, just the hover and press.

I think the problem is not being able to set the owning player. I try to set it this way:

When I print the values of the controllers I get that controller is only set for one player, the other player controller name is just blank.

If I print “VR Player Controller Ref” variable it brings back variables as expected: VRPlayercontroller and VRPlayercontroller1.

Not sure what is going on… Help.

Did you manage to solve this?

I am currently having the exact same issue.
