How to listen to UDP Socket?

I have read through absolutely everything I can find online and tried all of it but I still can’t get data out of a socket.
I have a c++ application I built that sends data out to on a fixed port. I’ve used Windows Message Analyzer and I can see it coming up in the correct port but I can’t get UE4 to see any data in the socket. It’s driving me nuts, this was already a workaround for a problem I couldn’t fix.
I have everything included and set up properly, it all compiles and runs properly it just doesn’t work.
I have been using FSocket and HasPendingData always returns as false.

I have read so many conflicting instructions, I have my Socket being built in BeginPlay (it was originally in the constructor but I read that this is problematic) and have tried using UDPSocketReceiver as well with similar lack of connection.

Any basic examples would be really appreciated, this shouldn’t be that difficult but I don’t know where I’m going wrong.

current code:

  FSocket* ListenSocket;
    FUdpSocketReceiver* mySocketReceiver;


**in the constructor:**
    ListenSocket = NULL;
 **in BeginPlay:**
    FString TheIP = "";
    FString Name = "whogivesa";
    const int32 ThePort = 4444;
    FIPv4Address Addr;
    FIPv4Address::Parse(TheIP, Addr);
    //Create Socket
    FIPv4Endpoint Endpoint(Addr, ThePort);
    int32 BufferSize = 2 * 1024 * 1024;
    ListenSocket = FUdpSocketBuilder(*Name)
 **in Tick:**
    uint8* Data = 0;
    int32 tempBytesCounter;
    if (ListenSocket->Recv(Data, sizeof(Data), tempBytesCounter))
    	// do something

There is possibility that your socket build fails, check log in Saved/Logs in your project directory FUdpSocketBuilder outputs there if something fails

also you sure you don’t have router and your computer have ip insted of lan? you can’t bind to ip that you computer don’t have access to