Lights don't effect Mesh after building Lights

My knownledge in Lightning and such is very bad so I hope I can get a quick answer to my problem.

This is the look of the game before I compile Lights and I want it to look like that or at least a bit alike.

When it’s done with compiling it looks like that, and I always have that problem. Pure darkness.

I’ve already watched a few tutorials about Lights but looks like I dont quite get it yet.
I placed a Lightmass Character Indirect Detail Volume , a Lightmass Importance Volume and a Post Process Volume
and played a bit with the Values but i dont know, doesnt work.

I think the problem are the meshes because when I place any other Meshes from the Starter Content into the scene it has the perfect light.

This are light settings for all the meshes.


Please help me! :s