Particles are invisible

Hi, some of my particles are completely invisible. They have working materials but…

  • They do not show up in-editor.
  • They do not show up when i am test-playing.
  • They have working materials.
  • Particles ARE enabled.
  • Other particles do work.

Did you set up bounds?

next time please add as many images/videos as possible showing the materials, particles, other stuff. that way we can help way better with solving your problems.

Hi Luos, i totally thought i did actually include images!! However, upon verifying the engine cache… it decided to suddenly work. I am totally confused as to why, seeing as i tried in 4.12 and it would NOT work. I changed nothing… but it decided to work suddenly. No clue why. (This is back in 4.14)

I changed absolutely nothing and it decided to work. Could you possibly tell me what happened?

If bounds where enabled, it can occasionally happen that you need to reboot ue4 before particles show up properly.

that could have happened.