Nvidia Ansel 360 Image Stitching Issues

I’ve been searching for hours and trying different settings endlessly but can’t seem to figure this one out.
Every time I do a 360 panorama image through Nvidia Ansel, the image comes out messed up in varying degrees. check the images to see what I mean. As far as I can tell, everything else seems to be working correctly and I feel this might be a simple fix kind of problem.

Hey, I stumbled across across this post and there was no answer. You have to set your FOV in Unreal to match the Ansel plugin otherwise it won’t stitch properly.

You can do this by opening the console with tilde in game and typing “FOV 90” without quotes. You can replace the number with whatever you need it to be.

I may be late to answer your question @494Shah, but hopefully others who wind up here can have an answer.

everytime i fire ansel 360 this weird stuff appears on the output,doesnt happen with other projects though,pls help!

everytime i fire ansel 360 this weird stuff appears on the output,doesnt happen with other projects though,pls help!

FOV doesn’t work for me. Same as camera, everything back at default etc.