Modding datatable: export/import corruption and/or revert not available

I’m specifically working on a mod for Conan Exiles. I’ve made several changes without problems but I’ve run into a horrible problem. I exported a data table so I could make broad changes. I then reimported the datatable with no issues. Cooked with no issues. Ran the server, but it complains of missing SpawnData (the datatable I changed).

So I think, no biggy, I’ll just undo what I did. This is where the problem comes in. I reimported a backup of the unchanged data and this causes the same problem when running the server. I tried both csv and json and each causes the issue.

I also can’t find a built in ‘revert to unchanged’ for the datatable. Is there a way?

My only option now is to literally start a new mod, but this is unacceptable as I’d have to redo nearly a months worth of work.