Pass on information from selection menu to level?

Hi all,

I’m trying to create a selection menu in which the player has to choose an image/texture (so no character/weapon/vehicle/whatever, just a simple image). After that, the player selects a level and the image the player chose earlier should then be applied to a plane in that selected level.
So all levels will contain a plane mesh on which an image can be applied.

I already have set up a main menu in Widget BP, in which the images that can be selected are buttons (at least that’s what I figured to be the way to approach this), plus level selection for three levels, all of which have planes placed in them.

How do I go about creating something like this? I’m not a star in UE so explain as simply as possible please!
I’m using UE 4.10.


Your problem is to pass the information from the menu to level?
You need to create like a global variable for every image that is selected and get it to the level,do this with game instance.

I’ve created a GameInstance and created a variable there. In the main menu, when the player selects a level by clicking on it, the engine first casts to the GameInstance blueprint and sets the variable before opening the level. So far, is that the right approach?

Question is I’m not sure how to go about ‘linking’ an image to that variable…
So when the player selects an image by clicking on it in the selection menu, how do I tell the engine that this image should be applied in the level? Do I have to work in the Widget BP or the Level Blueprint(s)?

I did this a few days ago and its working,i have the 'eBarbat" variable on gameinstance and i am using it in 2 differit widgets.Create the variable and set it to true when he clicks the image,and when you are getting the information make it with a condition for each one.
Edit:Testgamemode is the gameinstance.

Yes, this approach worked for me! Thanks a lot!