Approximate Dimensions Value Display Off By One Number

Engine Version: 4.2.1

The approximate dimension values display is off by one number.

Reproduction Steps:

  1. Import a Static Mesh.
  2. Double Click the Static Mesh in the Content Browser.
  3. Review the Displayed Dimension Values.

Hi KinightTechDev,

I just tested this with some assets from 3DSMax I imported, but i am not seeing that issue. This may be related to the exact mesh, could you please zip the mesh and let me test it? That would help with my investigation. Also, does the occur on all meshes for you or just certain ones?


Yes, it happens for the majority of meshes, weather it’s created in Unreal Editor, Blender, Sketchup, or too and from those programs. Sometimes the numbers show correct, however, which confuses me, but majority of the time they don’t.

Here’s video showing it with a BSP Box Brush converted to a Static Mesh, recommended to watch in 720p or 1080p to see text clearly:

And here’s the box mesh in zip file from the video:
Download MyMesh

Here’s the Static Mesh Unreal Editor Scene Outliner Reference:

Begin Map
   Begin Level
      Begin Actor Class=StaticMeshActor Name=MyMesh Archetype=StaticMeshActor'/Script/Engine.Default__StaticMeshActor'
         Begin Object Class=StaticMeshComponent Name="StaticMeshComponent0" Archetype=StaticMeshComponent'/Script/Engine.Default__StaticMeshActor:StaticMeshComponent0'
         End Object
         Begin Object Name="StaticMeshComponent0"
         End Object
      End Actor
   End Level
Begin Surface
End Surface
End Map

And here’s the actual unreal box brush used to create the static mesh, just open the text file in the zip, copy the text in it and Ctrl + V (sadly you cannot right click paste in outliner to add the brush, but can also click Edit/Paste or do it in perspective viewport) paste this into the Scene Outliner and then click Create Static Mesh, press Enter key and override the lightmap.:

Download BSP Box Brush

I also notice that the values change automatically when typing in numbers into fields for the X,Y,Z, say for instance as shown in the video, if I type numbers 121.92 cm it changes the value to 121.919998 instead, not sure if that’s related, but if the estimate were rounded the approximation would most likely show 122, either way it’s displaying 2 different sets of values.

Hey KnightTechDev,

if I type numbers 121.92 cm it changes the value to 121.919998 instead

This is actually a long standing known issue with numeric precision. We have a developer working on fixing it.

The actual glitch here is that the rounding of the decimal is done differently between the two displays. It rounds the fraction down in the Static Mesh editor’s viewport, but the hover-over thumbnail in the Content Browser rounds up or down based off of difference from .5. It’s an inconsistency that I will have a programmer look into.

Thank you,

Yeah, figured might be with the floating precision somehow, resembled some problems I had with OpenGL programming several years ago but that was in reference to the mesh data in a time some third party programs importers and exporters were buggy and difference between single and double floating precision, noticed it does that with the Pen Tool extrusion as well, the numbers accepted in the Extrude Depth for auto-extrusion are integer based and not floating numbers for the input, so if I created a Box Brush with a height of Z=30.48, then went into Geometry Editing Mode, used the Pen Tool to create a custom brush with something to match the height, I couldn’t match the height with the extrusion because the Extrude Depth enter-able value would only either be 30 or 31.

I’d have to add a value of 0.48 to the Decimal Grid Sizes, I’d create a Pen Tool extruded object with Extrusion Depth of 30, then I make sure both brushes are dropped to the floor, set the Position Grid Snap Value to 0.48, and go into Geometry Editing Mode, select the Pen Tool created brush objects top face and drag up along Z axis till it matches the height of the other mesh, and finished.

It’s also like this in the Extrude Tool, Settings/Length text field, using integer based numbers., so when you’re doing something in your workflow building level with BSP Brushes it takes a bit more steps to achieve accuracy to try and match things up…

Yeah, I’d rather just type 30.48 and press Enter. lol

Thanks !

As shown in the pictures. Note: Ignore the displayed grid value I changed it temporarily to 1 while checking the grid out, should be 30.48.