"Failed to initialize LibOVR" UE-39437

I am experiencing the UE-39437 bug after upgrading to 4.15.1, from 4.15.
Disabling the Gear VR plugin for a project prevents the dialog box from appearing when the editor is launching for that project.

Facing the same problem, after updating from 4.15.0 to 4.15.1.


Same problem, any solution for this?

I dont think its creating any problems till now… if you click ok…unreal engine opens up properly.

Hello xxAtrain223,

This is currently working as intended. The error message comes up if you do not have the OVR SDK installed. The fix that was submitted was to disable the Gear VR plugin by default. However, you do not have the SDK installed and you have the plugin enabled this error message will still occur. I hope that this information helps.

Make it a great day

This problem is happening to me since I installed the 15.1 version. I tried the solution xxAtrain223 proposed and doesn’t work. That is the least of the problems… The serious one is that the VR preview is now grayed out for me and I NEED IT for a job right now!. So now I cannot test my projects in VR or package with the VR option (alt+enter) I’m in serious trouble with a client right now…

Hello Mondriam,

The issue that you are experiencing. Sounds like it may be a separate issue. I will need you to make a new thread for tracking purposes. You could then place a link to that new thread in a reply so that someone can follow up.

Make it a great day

Wouldn’t it be better to opt into using the GearVR plugin, and then learning you need to install the OVR SDK, or even better, to have it installed on opt-in.

I think it would be great for you to teach us how to install OVR SDK, because that was one of the first things I’ve tried. But It’s not easy to do that if you’ve never installed an SDK. If you search for that in google all the answers are links to SDK repositories. How would I install that, and where?? No documentation that explains those steps. It seams something obvious for a developer but not for me. If I put that folder somewhere, then how does Unreal Engine knows where it is. Where the hell in the unreal editor preferences can I point to an specific folder to search for sdk’s??? I don’t even know how to search for that in the web because I don’t even know what questions to ask? Been stuck for days if you know please share that obvious knowledge.

I’d also like to request some other means of handling this issue. When I launch a large project file, it is a burden to walk away from my machine while it loads only to find that the loading process was halted because a VR component I’ve never heard of couldn’t be found.

It took me over 3 weeks of dealing with this issue to locate this thread, and identify the solution. The only people likely to run into this issue (people not developing for VR), are also the least likely to be familiar with dealing with VR plugins, and you are obligating them to have this knowledge to fix the problem.