Error: LoadPackageAsync failed to begin to load a package

This happens when a client tries to join a server. I am using steam. It does cause a crash for the client.

Here’s the log file

This error has completely halted my production and it makes no sense.

Hey deathclonic,

Are you using localization at all in your game? The reason I ask is because I came across a similar issue in our database where the following was stated:

Using the localisation system means
you get localised and pretty number
formats, so it eventually generates a
map name that looks like this:
That’s not a valid name, so the user
should use a non-localised way to
append the number to the string.

That’s just the first thing I came across, although this may not be what you’re running into, of course. Based on the error you’re seeing:

Error: LoadPackageAsync failed to begin to load a package because the supplied package name was neither a valid long package name nor a filename of a map within a content folder

Can you provide some code or screenshots of blueprints that show your setup for hosting and joining sessions so I can take a closer look to see if I can spot anything that could be causing the issue?


Yeah one moment. I just woke up lol.

I don’t think I’m using localization yet, should be set to english only for now. Here’s how I host and join servers.

Hosting and joining is based off this

I’m starting from the UI build that I know works fine and slowly copying over everything. Just manually combing through it

So I think this error stems from the dynamic selection wheel I used. It was on a separate drive when I migrated it into my own project and had a warning about a map file missing that was pointing to my project within the dynamic selection wheel project. I’m going to move it onto the same drive, double check everything and then migrate it. I think this will fix it.

Hey deathclonic,

Did you manage to resolve your issue with the method you’ve described above?

I’m still working on figuring out exactly what caused the error but I narrowed it down to my weapons being child actors of a child actor of usable actor. I will update this when I’m sure about it.

So my best guess at this point is that the error was caused because I had too many layers of child bp actors for my weapon system.

My weapon system was going to look like this

Now I’ve changed it to this