How to enable split screen without Oculus or Multiplayer?

Hi, everybody. After tons of time invested I found no way to enable the split screen mode for VR display without an Oculus Rift plugged in. Here I have two questions:

  1. Is the split screen mode with distorted lens effect an Oculus plugin functionality or an Unreal 4 feature? And how to turn it on without a Rift connected to my computer?

  2. In general, what is the best way to show contents of multiple cameras in a single screen? For now I can only enable the default split screen by adding a second player.

PS: I prefer using only Blueprints and Settings, not quite willing to write C++ code


Hi Pumel!

There is a way to enable this without the Oculus plugged in but it does require a some work. Also you’ll only be able to see this when in game an not in the editor.

  • You’ll have to launch from the
    UE4Game.exe. you can find it in the
    default location of C:\Program
  • From there it’s best to probably make
    a shortcut of the UE4Game.exe and put
    it on your desktop. From there You’ll
    want to Right-Click the shortcut and select “Properties”
  • In the target field you’ll want to add file location of your uproject file. Make sure to add quotation marks around the file path (“C:\Users\UserName\Documents\Unreal Projects\MyProject\MyProject.uproject”)
  • from there add a space and add the -game and -emulatestereo . The emulatestereo command will recreate the same look as if you had plugged in the oculus

All in all, the target field should look similar to this:

“C:\Program Files\Unreal Engine\4.2\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UE4Game.exe” “C:\Users\UserName\Documents\Unreal Projects\MyProject\MyProject.uproject” -game -emulatestereo

You’ll be able to run this every time you want to test out the oculus view for your game! Let me know if you have any additional questions!

-Max B.

Hi, Max.

Thank you very much. After several attempts I successfully launched my game in stereo mode. And I noticed that you must cook contents for windows before launching this way, otherwise you get an error or have your game stuck at the loading screen.

So I guess this is for testing purposes only, not for deployment.

I have two more questions, if they don’t violate any of your terms :slight_smile:

  1. Can I deploy my game to be stereo on a smartphone, or other mobile devices, so the player can use his phone (with a joystick maybe) as a simple HMD if he wishes. Of course it’s even better if the player can turn on or off stereo, so he can play the game in 3D or as normal.
  2. What about other head-mounted devices? They don’t have an official built-in plugin as Oculus does. What should I do if I want to include those devices as a choice for my potential players, or if I want to build my own custom game device for Unreal?

Thank you again.


Sorry Pumel, I forgot to mention that you do need to cook to open the game up. As for your other questions:

  1. As far as I’m aware, this will probably not work. I have not tested this myself but from my past experience I’m guessing this is not something supported on mobile.
  2. I know we support Playstation’s Morpheus VR technology, but you’ll need to become a registered Playstation developer to access that. If you’re interested in pursuing that avenue, you can get more info here: PlayStation 4 and Xbox One Now Supported! - Unreal Engine

Edit-As for using other non-supported HDMs, there’s not much I know personally about getting them setup up for UE4. It would probably be best to contact the makers about support for UE4.

-Max B.

Thank you Max. I think I got the basic idea.

I’m from source code, with 4.4.1, on windows.
I compiled the engine in ‘Development’, and it runs perfectly when running form the editor, but when i try the way above to run with UE4Game.exe, it says:
“The game module xxx could not be found. Please ensure that this module exists and that it is compiled.”

I already compiled the module, and coocked too.
What could be the problem?