I do not understand this runtime error

I do not understand why one will work without error messages and a second receive error messages, but it still works.

im getting this Blueprint runtime error: Accessed None trying to read property CharacterReference from function: ’ Get_TextStamina’ from Node: Return Node in graph: Get_TextStamina in object: HUD with description: Acessed None trying to read property CharacterReference.

My stamina bar percent working with Character Reference. But not when using ToText (float) and format text. (it is working, but i get lot errors. Why??

and error

character reference

im Using UE4.15 version of Linux.

So you say it still works in-game but still shows some errors at first? It sounds like the Get Text Stamina function is being run a few times before Character Reference is being set. Is that a UMG function?

Maybe it is. I have tried to learn in watching youtube videos… But why picture 1 script working. no errors and picture 3 script has a error? it is show error when closing a program. When im using picture 2 script. it is working with no errors. Maybe some day I learned of this.

I’d have to see where you call those functions to answer that. Can you show me where they are called or binded?

All is a same HUD.

And stamina in numbers

ThirdPerson Variables in ThirdPersonCharacter blueprints.

or you can check the project files in my cloud: MEGA

Yea, it would seem for some reason, Get Text Stamina runs before Construct runs on your UMG. Not sure why that’s happening. It’s not something that’s affecting your game, but just annoying errors; you could do something like this to fix it.

I tested to see why this is happening by adding breakpoints to your Get Stamina Text function and the Construct event. When you do that, you can see that Get Stamina Text is being run first for some reason, which is why Character Reference is None at that point.