Children vehicle blueprints don't keep animation blueprint of the parent

As I was told I’m posting a new question.
Basically it happens that when I create children blueprints of my vehicle they don’t keep the animation blueprint.
Matthew has been so kind to answer my question in another thread ( but I’m still a little confused.
Do I need to assign to every child a different animation blueprint, IE copies of the one I’m usig for the parent?
If I want to use only one animation blueprint for the parent and every child, if possible, what do I need to do exactly?

Hello Judicator,

If you would like to have all of your vehicles use the same animation blueprint, the skeletal meshes need to be using the same Skeleton. You can make sure that the skeletal meshes are able to share a skeleton when they are created in the modelling program of your choice (Maya, 3DS Max, etc) by ensuring that they have the same bone hierarchy and bone names. You can read more about this on this page:

If you do this, when you go to import the skeletal meshes, import the base mesh first and it will create a Skeleton .uasset in UE4. When you import the other meshes, you can assign that same Skeleton at import. If all of these skeletal meshes use the same Skeleton, they can use the same animation blueprint as well.

Hello Matthew, it works fine.
I’d never been able to sort this out by myself.
Thank you.