Dynamic Self Shadow Issue in 4.15

Dynamic Self shadow and shadows in general are faded and very low quality/resoluton even on cinematic.

The right Picture is 4.14. Left is 4.15. Shadow quality is set to high with a directional light from the top left of the skeletal mesh. Scene is the Asset Preview, but the problem persists viewport during gameplay as well.

I’ve looked through the changes for 4.15 and can’t see any changes that would cause this. Video Card (Intel HD 3000) Only supports shader model 4.1.

Do shadows require a higher shader model in 4.15?

just activate dynamic inset shadow in detail panel of your mesh

I’ve somewhat fixed the issue after downloading 4.16 preview and messing with shadow console commands.

r.Shadow.CSM.MaxCascades 3 improved shadows greatly. It’s strange that I even have to tweak that setting though.