How do I animate an object when spawned?

Hi There,

I have a robot character that i want to build a gun on it’s arm when I select the gun to use, I know how to socket the gun mesh onto the body and spawn gun onto the arm during gameplay. But how do I get it to do an animation when it is spawned? Like do I spawn gun then play “Spawn” animation after it, to make it looks like it’s being built on its arm? Or do I have to play the animation first then spawn the gun?

sort of like the Catch a ride animation in borderlands?

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Usually a good approach would be to play the animation, set an AnimEvent, and when that is triggered, spawn the weapon, you can also use that to spawn particle effects, with multiple AnimEvents, before, during or even after spawning the Gun.

Good luck, hope that helps, cheers.

Oh, sort of like when the spawn animation is near the end of it’s cycle you have a notifier to say spawn object from this point? So the transition looks seamless. Excellent thanks for all your help.