Please Help! Players cant do anything!

Hi Abdul1,

Unfortunately that is a very difficult question to answer without seeing your project. A few things you could do to help narrow things down:

  • Are you sending player actions to the server and then out to other players (e.g. using the Replication system)? The CharacterMovement code handles replication of player position for you if you tell it to use ReplicatedMovement, so that may be why you see them move but nothing else.
  • Have you placed Debug Prints in your code to try and narrow down where things are breaking?
  • If you have a single player mode, can they act as expected in that mode?

I’d suggest placing debug prints throughout your code for various actions and trying to narrow things down as a first step.


Hi everyone been working on a very small Co-op RPG game for me and my friends and i have came across an issue that i cant seem to figure out. So i have made my game work Online using Steam,
I created a lobby, my friends searched and found my game, they choose a character and spawned into my game, but the thing is when they spawn in they cant do anything! They cant interact with one another, cant open any menu’s or anything! (they can move however).
Does anyone know why this is occurring?
If it helps i put all my Player Controls in My Character BP.

Thanks for your response, im not quiet sure i know how to replicate actions to the server so ill look into that. Anymore info on that would be great!

Here is a picture of my Pickup BP - /59FuYVO.png

i will be using Print Nodes for debugging so thanks for that tip!

Yes, Single player everything works as intended, just MP no one can do anything.