Fatal error: [File:D:\Build++UE4+Release-4.15+Compile\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\GlobalShader.cpp] [Line: 353]
Missing global shader FPixelShaderDeclaration, Please make sure cooking was successful.
Thank you for submitting a bug report. I have reproduced this issue and logged a report for it here
You can track the report’s status as the issue is reviewed by our development staff. Please be aware that this issue may not be prioritized or fixed soon.
Thank you for reporting that this issue still occurs. I’ve tested it locally and reproduced it on 4.17 release myself. As such, I’ve reopened the ticket and we will be looking into a solution. It’s possible that this only happens in the Binary editor. If that is the case, that would explain why it seemed to be fixed at the time.
This issue has not been fixed in 4.17 as described in the Bugtracker. I just had exactly this issue with my packaged build and re-enabling the VR Plugins fixed the crash.
The issue started occurring for me once the SteamVR plugin was explicitly disabled. Prior to that change, the .uproject file didn’t contain a reference to SteamVR in its list of plugins (meaning it was enabled by default), and the standalone Win64 game executable (built in Development Client config) worked fine. Once SteamVR was explicitly disabled in the .uproject file, and then all executables rebuilt and content re-cooked, the same game executable crashes on startup with the error shown above in Rowbow’s original post.
If I’m understanding “in the Binary editor” correctly (i.e. if you mean that the issue might only occur with the precompiled Launcher version of the engine, and not with local editor binaries compiled from source), then I wanted to mention that I’m seeing this issue when using a build of UE 4.15 that I’ve cloned from GitHub and built from source.
I am getting the same issue. First time seeing it and now it is happening all the time.
I’m using the windows mixed reality. It worked fine for several months. Must have something to do with an update somewhere. Like SteamVR.