FPlatformProcess::CreateProc doesn't work

Hello.UE4 friends~ I have a problem that launching external program(.exe)
I used code in beginplay at Actor class

FPlatformProcess::CreateProc(TEXT(“C:\Program Files (x86)\wLauncher\wLauncher.exe”), nullptr, true, false, false, nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr);

like this.

But that external program doesn’t launch…
How can i launch that program? or is this code wrong?
Compling is success,but that program doesn’t appear.

thx for read my thread.

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@pprkgraphiks hi :slight_smile:
I’ve encountered the same issue
I found that the reason the process doesn’t launch is in second parameter parms
You sending nullptr, if you replace it with TEXT("") it should work

So in your case the solution would
FPlatformProcess::CreateProc(TEXT("C:\\Program Files (x86)\\wlauncher\wlauncher.exe"), TEXT(""), true, false, false, nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr);

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