Custom OnlineSubSystem and AOnlineBeacon

I am currently working on a Custom-OnlineSubSystem. Sofar everything is working fine. Right now it can query my MasterServer for sessions which returns Host/IP. No i want to query each OnlineGameServer for details. I found AOnlineBeacon, which looks interesting. However it requires the UWorld. I wanted to avoid fidling with sockets by myself. So is it possible to access the current UWorld from within the Subsystem? I know that there is a GEngine which allows me to do that, but as far as i know it is obsolete and should be avoided.

Based on LanBeacon, i have now written an OnlineBeacon using TCP/IP-Sockets. Seems the actor approach is not suitable for my case.

I used this article to get started with TCP-Sockets:
(Warning, the IP handling using parsing and stuff in this article is bollocks),Receive_Binary_Data_From_an_IP/Port_Into_UE4,(Full_Code_Sample)

I think i found it(if you want a AOnlineBeacon):


Will provide the current world

Hello, very well, could you give me some contact with you to exchange experiences?

I would love to know the way to create my own OnlineSubsystem and could you help me?