What is GetWorld()->GetAuthGameMode<>?

i have used unity only so i don’t know what is GetWorld(), GetAuthGameMode<> and using purpose.
help me guys.

GetWorld( ) returns the current world being used. Sort of the root of everything going on. It’s described as:

“The World is the top level object representing a map or a sandbox in which Actors and Components will exist and be rendered.”

GetAuthGameMode will return a reference to the worlds current game mode, which is valid during gameplay, when on a server.

As an example:

AMyGameMode *MyReplicatedActor::GetCurrentGameMode( )
    if(GetWorld( ))
         AMyGameMode *Game = Cast<AMyGameMode>(GetWorld( )->GetAuthGameMode( ));
              return Game;
    // cast or getworld failed
    return nullptr;

or, through template version of the function:

AMyGameMode *MyReplicatedActor::GetCurrentGameMode( )
    if(GetWorld( ))
         AMyGameMode *Game = GetWorld( )->GetAuthGameMode<AMyGameMode>( );
              return Game;
    // cast or getworld failed
    return nullptr;