Is this an official survey?

I just received a survey from asking me apparently benign questions on my Unreal Engine 4 usage. Is this an official survey and part of my signup agreement to Unreal Engine 4 ?


do you mean that “how likely are you to recommend ue to your friends” or something?

i just answered it with 10 and didn’t even realize the strange email address… crap :slight_smile:

but you know now you where not alone :wink:

That message did come from Epic. We apologize if that was unclear due to the nature of the message and will work to improve that in the future.

Thanks Canon.

The version I received today doesn’t seem to have improved in that regard, by the way.

I’ll pass along that feedback

I would highly recommend to ONLY send such emails from known/related domain such as if you want advanced users to take them seriously as well as to “teach” the right way of doing it.