Dynamic Material Parameter changing whole Mesh Color

I’ve tried to create a Dynamic Material Instance for a mesh I’ve made lately…

I have a total of 11 Materials for my mesh…and I’ve tried to modify a scalar parameter named Multiplier…To multiply the Emissive color.

The mesh is inside my Flying Pawn Blueprint. The parameter would be influenced by the current forward speed of the ship divided by 1000 as the max speed is 10000 and the max value of the parameter is 10.

As you can see the parameter I want to modify is inside the Color_H05 material (the blue one) and is a scalar parameter. By now the color covers the engines and everything works well…

But after I connect my construction script to “Create Dynamic Material Instance” this happens:

The material just covers the whole ship!
Any ideas about what I’ve made wrong (I really need help on this)?

Im assuming it is creating a dynamic material for the material at element slot 0 while using source material Color_H05. I’m guessing the material at element 0 is the one covering your ship.

So to fix it you should change your element index (to 4 in your case) in the CreateDynamicMaterialInstance

Actually the index is “2”, but it worked, thank you alot!!!