Can't return to player view skipping Sequencer

I have converted my project from 4.14 to 4.15. When I try to skip sequencer by setting play rate to 99999, my player does not spawn properly after that. Also, the actor that should be hidden in the game spawns in the scene with T-pose.

Hi imsarah,

Any particular reason why you’re setting the play rate to 99999 instead of just running the stop function?

My actors and objects disappear at certain points of the timeline. Suppose those objects are set as hidden in game level, but they are visible in the sequencer, and then I use Stop. They will appear in the game level because it is set as visible in the sequencer. I could try EventonStop and assign objects to hidden one by one…but this isn’t necessary if play rate could work, right?

Hey imsarah,

The play rate workaround you were using was not an intended functionality. Setting play rate that high is not something we’d likely intend to support.

So, what I would suggest is using the “Set Playback Position” node with a “Get Length” check to set it to the end of the sequence. I tested this out and ran into UE-43966, but was able to workaround it by subtracting any fraction of a second off of the “Get Length” result.

As far as events, I wouldn’t suggest triggering gameplay sensitive events using the sequencer event track. I.e. spawning your player. I would definitely suggest EventOnStop for that.

Note: I’ve also entered UE-43967.

if there are some actors that need to be moved during the sequence, the stop node would terminate all those. the actors will not spawn and locate properly if stop to skip that sequence.

i have tried the same using the “Set Playback position” node in 4.15. It works fine in 4.14 but actors do not spawn properly in 4.15.

you could try to create a player character will skeletal mesh and disable visibility during the sequencer and enable it when the sequence ends. The player will not regain the control of the player character. So the problem is not just about triggering sensitive events but affecting the entire gameplay while trying to skip the sequence.

That’s why you would use EventOnStop. So that whether it is stopped manually or ends on it’s own, you can trigger any gameplay events that you need to. Also, you can enable Cinematic Mode to hide your character instead of doing it manually.

The player does not spawn using EventonStop
try something like this.

  1. In a thirdperson game level, Create a sequencer.
  2. In level blueprint, a key (eg. spacebar) to trigger EventonStop
  3. Make an object spawn in the middle of the sequence and moves to the air. Make the sequence longer so it is more obvious. Put the player character in front of the camera as well. Set player character visibility as hidden and make it visible as soon as the sequence ends.
  4. For EventonStop, make a node and set the player character as visible as well.
  5. See if player character spawns properly after skipping the sequence.
    The object should be moving into the air but the player character does not spawn.

Are there any ways to manually spawn the character?
I will also try cinematic mode later. thank you.

Sorry if I’m misunderstanding your setup, but this is what I was doing:

Any properties that you would be resetting at the end of the sequence that would reset the player, you’d need to trigger off of the OnStop event.

Anyways, both of the feature requests are in for 4.17.