How to NOT save a blueprint as Data Only

Currently it seems that whenever I compile and save a blueprint class, the ‘Is Data Only’ setting is Automatically set to True, leaving me only with Compile and Save buttons on the toolbar when I reopen the Class.

Is there something I am missing? I’m quite new to this.

Hey DisherDesign,

A Blueprint will be saved as Data-Only if it doesn’t contain any content. If you notice at the top of a Data-Only blueprint, you’ll see the Open Full Blueprint Editor option and you can use that to gain access to the Event Graph where you can begin placing your nodes.

Have a great day

So in reading I have heard of such Open Full Blueprint Editor option, but I have yet to find it. Here is a screen cap of a blueprint ‘Enemy’ I re-opened. Does this look right?

The class Defaults Tab was not open by default for me, which was why I did not notice the Open Full Blueprint Editor Option. Thank You.