Can t manage to work projectile with destructibles

Hello! I tried to create destructibles that respond to my weapon projectiles but i can t make it work. After hours of trying, I created a destructible mesh and made a blueprint out of it!but it doesnt work again. alt text

Your projectile should add damage on hit event and it can not be simple damage, but point or radial damage.

Thank you for your answer!! Like this in the DMblueprint?Tried both… i can t make it work…

you should reply to my answer instead of creating new answer, for me this is no problem, but here some rules.

You doing it complicated way.

In your projectile event graph, add EventHit but without any connections - destructible or not. You can later change it if you don’t want to add damage if hit component is not destructible, but for now ignore it.

It should look like this, simplest sample

Important - base damage and radius must be set, can’t be zero. Rest can be default for now.

It works with point damage too.

can t make it work :confused: i enable impact damage to my DM and nothing happens… only destroyed by the enemies when passing over it… i enable pshysics and nothing happens again…

If you still stuck:

create blank fps project from template

open BulletProjectile blueprint in this project

in this BulletProjectile blueprint, Event Hit set up/connect like this:

Just add Apply Point Damage and connect like above

Create simple destructible mesh with default settings, don’t change anything, just create and save it. Find in content browser and place on map. It working like this:

I’m glad I can help and it working. I’ stuck many times on simple things, then I have great progress when problem like this solved. Good luck

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