Occlusion appears map seam

I have question about build and ambient occlusion.
I just pushed Build button, after import mesh to “BlueprintFirstPerson” scene.
Occlusion appears map seam.
How to fix it?

It is a lightmap shadow bleeding issue, not AO. You can minimize it by increasing the lightmap resolution but…do you really need to bake shadows for this model? You can test it with dynamic lighting since a character isn’t going to have static shadows in a game anyway.

Thank you Jacky.

I understand it cames from lightmap.
I don’t need lightmap for this model.
so, turn off “Cast Static Shadow” in mesh details, then build again.
Still map seam there…why?
I couldn’t find cause from online documentation.

Mesh import option : Import Normals and Tangents
Using Normalmap.
Other than that, nothing changed.

Setting “Cast Static Shadows” just disables static shadows from that object onto the world. The object is still statically lit though. To force dynamic lighting you should change its mobility from static to movable.

Thank you Arnage.
The problem has been solved.