Run on Server not working

Hey, could anyone help me out with this? This simple makes units toggle between prone crouching and standing.
The units are a child of master infantry and the camera pawn is the pawn that controlles the units i made to children of camera pawn which client 1 spawns into on start up and client 2 spawns into the other child. When i dont run dedicated server the server spawns into one of the children and client 1 spawns into the other child. I have made them sprint on double click and some other stuff exactly like this and all that seems to work fine with dedicated on and off. Can anyone help me with this please its pretty frustrating :frowning:

PS when this is set up like this literally nothing happens on both screens when i play singleplayer it works like i want it to, and its not the animations not playing because i tried using different variations of run on server, multicast etc i got it to see the units crouching owned by both pawns on client 2 and on client 1 it wasn’t showing client 2 units changing stace but it did show its own unit changing stance