Actor being destroyed for no reason?

I added a lifespan node to my character to delete spawned AIs after a period of time. It used a bool to check if self=player

If Self=/=player then destroy after 25 seconds

For some reason on startup after this unreal starts deleting the player as well. I even removed the destroy actor event and its still being destroyed.

Please edit your post with a screenshot of your blueprint.

I have a really similar problem and I would like to know if you solved your issue or not.

My idea about your problem is that at the really beginning of a game, the character spawns with an AIController, and right after this AIController is replaced by yours (as far as I understood during debugging sessions).
As a result, it is possible that is short period of time was enough for UE4 to start your timer.

BUT, what you’re talking about the actor still being destroyed without Destroy event is my problem right now, and I don’t know why…


I have the same problem with UE 5.2, the actor suddenly disappears without any reason after 1s. I can’t solve it? Has anyone figured out why?