How to interact with components of a blueprint

Good night. As a beginner I followed a lot of tutorials about UE4, and one of them was about using line trace and a class to interact with blueprints (the whole blueprint), like open doors and other simple triggers. But I can’t figure how to do the next:
I made a blueprint car (all static mesh) with a lot of components, and I was wondering how to use the line trace and trigger with a click to only one of the components (like click on the radio and turn it off).

I use almost the exact same system as, this is what I have:

When the linetrace hits the radio, you handle turning it on with the true branch, when it doesn’t hit the radio you check if it hits anything else you need checking with the false branch.

This looks like exactly the thing that i’m looking for, but how do I add the “component” on the event call?

Nevermind. Got it working adding an Actor Reference to my BP Interface. Thanks for the big help, MrGoatsy. =)