Get Data Table Row - Cant use data table variable

The BP node Get Data Table Row don’t accept a Data Table Variable. It feels like it should or am I wrong?

It looks like the node Get Data Table Row accepts only literal data table reference. Someone had a similar problem. Have a look here and see if it helps. They found by adding C++ code to your project it will work.

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I know it’s and older question but as the engine changes so do the solutions.

If you select you your “Get Data Table Row” node and attach a known struct on output, like Break MyStruct or Set a struct variable it allows the “Get Data Table Row” node’s output pin to get typed and then you can connect your data table variable to the node .


Yesss ! This is exacty what I was looking for. I’ll be able to create reusable functions for my data tables that I know have all the same structs. Many thanks ! :smiley:

Excellent answer! Just what I needed. Thank you.

This should be the accepted answer now. Super helpful!

Use Get Data Table Row from utilities


you appear to not have read the full topic. its about using get datatable row but using a variable datatable. your answer is incorrect.

to make it work you can set the datatable in the node itself, then pull off the out pin and “break”, compile the bp…then hook up the variable datatable