Multiplayer lobby system not working correctly.

I am trying to make a lobby system. I have successfully managed to generate a list of players and whether or not they have readied up. I have written a function in my UMG widget which takes an array of Player Details (a structure defined in c++) , clears the player list and then refills it from the array. Their is a start button which is only visible for the host , and i want to only be enabled when all players have readied up. The issue is that when i try to toggle whether the start button is enabled using the “Is All Ready Temp” value , nothing happens on if any clients are collected , but it works fine when no other clients are connected. I have used print string functions to verify that “Is All Ready Temp” value is set correctly , as well as the “Is Server Value” , and the list of player correctly displays the names of all players and whether or not they are ready.

I have also tried switching the Set Is Enabled function to a Set Visibility function , which similarly did not work