Endless Runner Tut: Character No longer 90 degree turns


I am on part six of the tutorial for “Endless Runner Tutorial” and have created my turning points to be called during play. My issue comes about once the player enters the Box Collision “TurnZone”. It has the collision preset “IgnoreOnlyPawn”.

Once the player enters the Box Collision "TurnZone"the camera jumps into the torso of RunCharacter and continues to dodge and not TURN 90 degrees as Left or Right. To give you further details when I go to the blue print of TurnZone: OncomponentBeginOverlap (TurnZone)—> Cast to RunCharacter ----> Set “CanTurn” to true. In my RunCharacter script I have CanTurn defaulted to FALSE, however once it is triggered TRUE the character should be able to turn Right or Left.

Does anyone have any idea what could be going on? Is there a step I missed or a version difference that causes this problem? Thank you!

To clarify this is the video part I’m talking about: https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Videos/PLZlv_N0_O1gbY4FN8pZuEPVC9PzQThNn1/E8D3TMvrYiM/index.html

YES!!! It works perfectly now! Can you explain to me the difference and what OverlapAllDynamic means? Thank you!

For your TurnZone, try setting the collision box to OverlapAllDynamic. Then, from that collision box, add OnBeginOverlap - set CanTurn to true.