Where is "Split Struct Pin"?

I’m watching a video tutorial for how to add cutscenes to a game, and in it the guy keeps using “Split Struct Pin”, however, when I try to use the same function it doesn’t exist. His video says that it should work in all version from 4.13 and beyond, but no matter how hard I try I can’t find “Split Struct Pin” to link off a colour and opacity variable.

Link to his video below and where he uses it.

If you can split pin, if is vector for example, hover mouse cursor on it, press right button (on Windows) and select Split Struct Pin like here:


after split it will look like here:


choose vector , rotator, scale pin and right mouse click and choose split struct

This does not help as there is no “vector” to select

I feel like a grade A jackass for not ever thinking to right click… Thank you so much.

Happens to everyone. We learn things every day.