Packaging always fails

Im trying to package a game for development but it always fails (for windows 32 and 64 bit )
i also tried to delete the saved and intermidate maps and restart my pc but it doesen’t work.
link text
this is for 32 bit

I think your AI_Base blueprint contains an error. Could you confirm?

No not at all
thanks for looking into it

do a text search for “error” in your log, you were too quick to dismiss - IGorilla - you have some nodes that need to be connected, it might compile fine in the designer but it wont cook

LogBlueprint:Error: [Compiler AI_base] Error This blueprint (self) is not a AI_Waypoint_C, therefore ’ self ’ must have a connection. from Source: /Game/AI/AI_base.AI_base

LogBlueprint:Error: [Compiler AI_base] Error Variable node K2Node_VariableGet_0 uses an invalid target. It may depend on a node that is not connected to the execution chain, and got purged. from Source: /Game/AI/AI_base.AI_base

LogBlueprint:Error: [Compiler Test] Error This blueprint (self) is not a PlayerStart, therefore ’ self ’ must have a connection. from Source: /Game/Player/multiplayer/Test.Test

also if you keep your output log open, filter out messages and you can see the issues easier
