Set a variable from a group of actor arrays

Hello, so, i have spawned 30 meteors, with random locations, rotations and scales, and what i want to do, is to shoot more bullets to those meteors that are bigger.
What i have done this far, is to create a variable on the Meteor Blueprint, (called health) and i want to change this variable based on the scale of the meteor.
So, on the meteor actor blueprint, i’ve drag out from the Event tick → get all actors of class, and then for each loop, get, and get actor scale 3D, and if they are big enought, a branch that sets the variable health to a bigger number.
But is not working, Any help?

Why not do the scale to health logic inside the constructor of the meteor class (or in the BeginPlay event) itself instead of trying analyze them outside (by looping through all actors of the class) of the object?

and why would you set the heath during tick? This will be evaluated every single frame pass.

From what you’ve described, if all spawned meteors are looping through all spawned meteors every tick and setting health… This seems as a very inefficient and ineffective approach.

As Jason.J said, this would be best done in the construction script. Here’s a quick example:

Each time a meteor spawns, it will set its own health based on its scale.