[Question] Drawcalls and Triangles - confusing stats

I am trying to make sense out of the stats, D3D11RHI in particular.

I made a black empty level, with nothing more than 1 single cube and a stationary directional light, and according to D3D11RHI I now have 250 drawcalls and 100 000 triangles in view?

If I remove the light and have a completely black level with 1 cube, and then add one additional simple mesh, my drawcalls go up by 22 for just that one mesh and no lighting or anything else.

At what point should I worry? Do you have any guidelines on what is acceptable roughly, polycount and drawcall wise? I know it depends on a lot of things but just a very rough ballpark figure would help (next gen consoles/high end pcs).

I am trying to figure out if what I built is slow or not, but without an actual game and an actual level to compare with I have no idea at what level my content is at. Is what I build normal for this engine and generation? Or is it heavier than normal?

The number you see for the D3D11RHI is the most accurate in that it counts the number of triangles as we make draw calls in the rendering backend.

The high baseline you see is likely due to bokeh DOF. We use a sprite based scattering method. In most cases almost all of those triangles will be degenerate and discarded by the GPU at practically no cost.