New Event In Engine


Is it possible to make a second event from Event AnyDamage?

I dont want a custom event but make an event that every blueprint can use.
So it should be made inside the editor script i think.

If i can just find the file or script its written in i can make a duplicate from it and give it a new name.

What i want is to lets say:
Apply Damage and then on Event AnyDamage it knows its getting damage.
Then Apply Damage1 and Event AnyDamage1. This way Event AnyDamage wont be triggered but Event AnyDamage1 will be triggered.

So i need to make something in the editor like.
Apply Damage1 (Function)
Event AnyDamage1 (Event)

Please dont give me other suggestions.
I just want to know if this is possible.
I will make something with from what i think i can do with it and post it.

I think i can help allot of people with this and make the blue print allot easier and smaller :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance

The AnyDamage event is implemented in the Actor class. To my knowledge, there is no way to add an other event/function to a Engine class without modifying it in C++ (I would not recommend this).

There is however a couple of way to do what you want:

  1. Creating a child of the Actor class that would only have your other Event AnyDamage2. This way, you could parent your other actors on this new class and they would have access to the event.
  2. Overriding the AnyDamage event in the blueprints that needs your other behavior. Could be tedious to do.
  3. I know you don’t what other suggestion but maybe the best approach would be through an Interface Blueprint.

Good luck!

Thanks CaptaineStar

I’ll try the interface BP