Shader Complexity in PIE not working

ShowFlag.ShaderComplexity 1
ShowFlag.ShaderComplexityWithQuadOverdraw 1
ShowFlag.QuadOverdraw 1

do not work in PIE

Hey Raildex_,

Those aren’t actually showflags that can be set. They are view modes that use a different console command to enable durring PIE. The fact that those are listed as console commands may be a relic of a previous engine version OR is meant for another use case.

For the various console commands check out this page: Viewport Modes in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation

The ones you are looking for are:

  • viewmode ShaderComplexity
  • viewmode QuadOverdraw
  • viewmode ShaderComplexityWithQuadOverdraw

Note no values are needed. To go back to normal enter viewmode lit

Let me know if that helps!
