Get Property Reference in Blueprints

Hey everyone,

Is it possible to get a property reference in Blueprints?
Say I have “bIsCrouched.”
I can get the bool value, but can I get the UBoolProperty from Blueprints?


Are you referring to this?


I don’t think so.
I’ve got another class that would optimally take a UBoolProperty and UNumericProperty and use these values to watch a variable, but I can’t figure out how to pass pointers to these types from Blueprints.

Alright I see now. As far as I know, you won’t be able to do this in BPs, but it’s easily done in c++.

Closest thing I can think of is property binding in UMG widgets

How would I do it in C++? I’ve tried to find the code that drives property binding in UMG Widgets but it’s been incredibly elusive!

You can add a widget and in the details, there’s a bind drop down menu for the properties. Create a bind, and then reference whatever variables you want the bind to watch