'AppData/Local/UE4Game/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor' must exist and contain a DefaultEngine.ini

Overnight I packaged my UE4 project and checked it out this morning. I tried running it and I keep getting this error,

must exist and contain a DefaultEngine.ini


I even created the folder and file it was complaining about and it still won’t launch. (The DefaultEngine.ini just contains an empty line).


I really have no idea what is going on, because it even has created a Logs folder along with the Config folder, so It must know that the folders exists.


I have tried running it as Administrator and the same happened.

My project used the Blank blueprints template and the Win64 Shipping build configuration.
I am using UE4 4.15.1 from the Epic games launcher.

Thanks in advance.

I figured out what was the problem. There was a space in my Unreal Project name and for some reason, UE4 didn’t tell me every single time I opened the UProject file. Only at the project launcher it told me.

My mistake.