Accessed None when trying to get PlayerController

My level seems to be getting corrupted after a period of time, and removes access to the player controller.
The Message Log says the following:

Blueprint Runtime Error: Accessed None trying to read property CallFunc_GetPlayerController_ReturnValue2 from function: ‘LevelName’ from node: Possess

I recreated the exact same level from scratch, copying and pasting all of the Blueprints and the error goes away.
However, after about 6 hours the error came back.

I am working on a very important project that has been 8 months in the making, and this error is making work impossible. I work alone, full time, so this error is costing me a lot of wasted time and money.

It’s not really a permanent solution, but as a temporary fix, you could see how saving off the PlayerController as a variable works for you and referencing it that way.